Hi, my name is Laurent.

I build user driven
web applications

I'm a front-end software developer specialized in building (and occasionally designing) exceptional digital experiences. Currently, I'm focused on building accessible, human-centered products at Commit Software.

Featured projects


Website built over a 2 weeks Web Dev Challenge. The requirements: build a fully functional website using no UI library.


Designed with Figma, built with React, I used the formspree API to handle the form submissions.

Tina Ponticelli

A website featuring the works of Tina Ponticelli, an Italian visual artist.


The site was built with JQuery, SASS. I built custom npm packages to handle image lazy loading and animations. Feel free to check them outhere.


A simple Web app to quickly check the weather worldwide with a 16 days forecast.


ClearWeather is built with React.js and Algolia Places to provide places autocompletion. The data is fetched from the WeatherBit and 7Timer APIs, standardised client side and passed to Recharts to display the graphs.

Technical skills

  • Languages

    Typescript, Javascript ES5+, HTML, CSS

  • Frameworks

    React.js, Next.js

  • Testing

    Jest, Testing library

  • State management

    Redux, Zustand

  • Ajax

    Axios, Swr, Websockets

  • Tooling

    Webpack, Babel, Git, NPM, Yarn

  • Styling

    SASS, Tailwind, Bootstrap, Styled Components

  • Design


  • Backend

    Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB

  • Spoken languages

    English (C2), Italian (C1), French (C1)

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